April 22, 2007

Current Seattle Mariners or Former Mariners

There is a statement that used to pass from my lips without any second thoughts, but at this very moment, it is causing me to ponder if it resembles a paradox.

"I am a Mariners fan."

Now, I still love the Mariners, but I started thinking about something. Since I love the Mariners, that means that I want them to win and the other team to lose, but here's where we come into a bit of a fix.

If the Mariners are playing a team that has more players from what used to be "the Mariners," who do I root for?

Watching baseball in recent seasons and seeing former Mariners on The Yankees' team had led me to mistakenly believe that the Yankees are currently comprised very much of the players that I cheered for when they were Mariners a few years ago. One example is John Olerud, but he isn't on the Yankees anymore.

So, the question becomes, "which is more important to me?" The players... or the name of the team they play under?

I don't recognize the players who are the Mariners now except for Ichiro, Raul Ibanez, and Jose Guillen, and it might be that I am recognizing some of them just from earlier this year.

Since other teams have many players who were former Mariners, I wonder if it is like a reunion when they play against each other, or like an Alumni game or something. The old Mariners versus the new Mariners.

So I want the Mariners to win, but which ones? I used to be completely anti-"teams that aren't the Mariners", and I never thought I would say this, so I'm going to say it in a roundabout way. Maybe I'd root for the ones that I first became a fan of.

Afterthought: If you randomly stumbled on this blog and were looking for a Mariners blog, here's one: http://marinerds.blogspot.com/

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