December 27, 2006

Never Delete Your Blog

I didn't know this piece of advice until I was browsing the Google Blogger Help Group (sounds like AA for Bloggers doesn't it?) I'm SDtektiv, and I'm a Blogger. Anyway the point is that someone learned the hard way that you shouldn't delete your blog. Why? Well it turns out that when he or she deleted the blog, the URL became available, and someone turned it into a SPAM blog. The word on the street is that because people visit blogs, they are valuable to spammers, they show up in Search engines which means that they can pick this up and use it to show whatever sort of filth they want to.

This is really bad, I once visited a blog because I saw a link to it from a site that I trusted, and it had porn in it. I felt betrayed, and I didn't understand what happened, but now I do. They deleted the blog and a Spammer claimed the URL.

In conclusion, if you are tempted to delete your blog or change the URL, or relocate, don't do it. You can just put a post up there that says "blog has been moved, link:", or you can delete all the posts you made and make a post like that. Just be sure to disable comments either way. Spammers like to use those too.

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