March 28, 2007

School Creates Contract for School Dance

A High School recently decided to have a contract for students to sign to say that they won't dance like they're having sex. Before that, the dance was canceled because the previous dance was really bad and the students refused to stop, their principal even stopped the dance an hour before it was supposed to end.

At least people actually do stuff about it at their school. At mine, I don't even bother going to school dances anymore. I'm sorry, I have better things to do with my time then pay money to go to school after school and then leave after 20 minutes because of all the kids humping each other. I don't think that it would be very beneficial for me to subject myself to something that makes me want to kick over the music speakers.

I don't know if their contract will work at their school... our school had a contract like that at the beginning of my sophomore year (the first year of High School where I'm from), and I still heard the same accounts of the dances told to me. If I went to their school, I would not get my hopes up. I would still not go, but I would ask my friends about it. If things improved on that dance and then the improvements carried over to a second one, I might consider going to the third one.


Jason Guidry said...

What happens if they break the contract? This won't work unless there's consequences.

Oh, and hey! Long time no see!


SDtektiv said...

Hey Jason!

The article said that there was really strict consequences like getting suspended from school, so it might work.

SDtektiv said...

Hey Jason!

The article said that there was really strict consequences like getting suspended from school, so it might work.