February 1, 2006

Liquified Muffin

I want to learn how to make "Liquified Muffin", and so I offered this guy some good money, but he still won't respond. Please help me humbly request him to teach me how to liquify a muffin, because I know him and I know that he is smart and could teach me. Here you go: How I make stuff: Filler

And if you, the guy who I'm trying to learn from, are reading this right now, I want you to know that my heart has been softened and that even though it was tough I have found it in my heart to forgive you for not sharing your wisdom. I give you the opportunity to now share your wisdom, and you are not obligated to withold your wisdom (see the "verse of the whenever" in the upper left on this page).

1 comment:

Shawn Laramie said...

Sometimes in life there are things that we want to divuldge but can't.