February 4, 2006

Dear Blogger,

Feb 4, 2006

Dear Blogger,

I want you to know that I have really enjoyed using your service, but there is one thing I am concerned about.

Many people who use blogger know that if they are bored, they can simply log out and go to the main page to watch the names of blogs show up for a few seconds as they are displayed, and occaisionally click on one that looks interesting.

I think that it is cool how at the main page (www.blogger.com) it shows the names of blogs that have just been updated. Unfortunately for everyone who goes to blogger, people create blogs with unfathomably obscene titles. When these blogs get updated, just like the good blogs, the title shows up on the blogger main page right next to where every last person who uses blogger must go to sign in. I am very tired and disturbed by seeing obscene names of blogs over and over again when I go to sign in.

I encourage you to consider the innocence and loyalty of your patrons, because when those obscene things get displayed, both are damaged. Please consider whether or not we are worth enough to you to moderate what words get pushed in front of us, who only want to feel safe at least at the place where we all go for signing in.



I am also posting this on my blog:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

well, i finally get to come to see wut you wrote, and i must say, you are very wise! i agree with wut you wrote, sorry it took so long for me to come write you!

your friend from journalism class!